Home Page


About Joe's Tablature Joe uses a unique approach that he calls Right Hand Tab.

Comping examples These are tab examples of things you can do when playing in a small size band. You become part of the rhythm section.

Even More Stuff Topics here include: The Right Hand, E9 pickgrips, Right Hand Logic, Left Hand Logic, Forward Roll & Slide, Basic Rolls, & Basic Roll & Slide.

Pedal 4 E9th
Tablature to help you study the fourth pedal that they're using to play all those hot licks.

Grips to Rolls II Start with a grip, then make a roll of it, then add a chromatic move, there's another new lick. Change the roll and you have more licks.

Scales Learn how Joe approaches scales. Eagle Claw Grip (1108k) See Joe's unique hand position. Notice the third finger pick working in conjunction with the others. Requires Quicktime

More Tricks More Tricks for Pedal Steel Guitar.

Crossover licks A study in crossover movements.

Scale list This is a page that shows the 54 scales that I study. They are all 5, 6, 7 & 8 tone variations of the chromatic scale. You can purchase an Excel spreadsheet that calculates these scales for any stringed instrument.

Pick Blocking Movie (1164k) This is a Quicktime movie that shows a forward roll. Pick 'em up and set back down. Requires Quicktime

right hand animations These are some shots from the videos turned into gif animations. They demonstrate close up how I pick the strings. You saw these on bobby lee's forum.

Anatomy of a Lick This page shows how the C scale pattern changes when you press the pedals.

The Ankle Here's an article Joe wrote about the ankle and its involvement on the E9th tuning.

Flying Fingers Learning to move your fingers using the six basic rolls that were learned earlier.

Joe articles. 1997 steel articles. Various Topics.

Alternating animations These show you how to alternate all the fingers against the thumb.

E9/B6 grips The grips you need to know for playing 12 string universal.

The Pick & The Slide Learn some basics of movement.

Left Hand Photos See how to hold the bar.

Intervals For the E9th tuning. Learn about them here.

BC Rock Rock and Roll steel guitar stuff

Alternating lick Great for playing in 3/4 or 6/8 time.

E9th Rock Lick Here's a metal lick in the key of E.

More right hand animations These are various exercise for building up your right hand. They are animated tablature.

C chord animation? This page shows how the C scale pattern changes when you press the pedals.


Here's a sample of my new instruction. Its a 6 minute Quicktime movie about C Chords on the E9th.

C6th Chords find them with these charts.

E9B6th Chords find them with these charts. Includes Movies to download!

Cmin7b5 chords locations.

Grips Animation More to help you become more efficient at playing grips. Try these exercises and see if you can keep up.

C Harmonized Scale This shows you how to harmonize a major scale. You learn each scale and then put three together.

Scales and Chords This shows you how the chord changes on a Universal and C6th tuning. The chord progression studied is Ami, Bm7b5 and E7b9. There are also movies that you can download. The movies are compressed and can be viewed from your hard drive. Mac & PC versions.

C6th lick This is as lick for C6th. It uses the minor scale pattern.

Crossover Blocking A study in crossover blocking movements.

E9 Major Scales See all twelve major scale patterns for E9th tuning.

Leavitt Tuning Modes My booth at Scotty's Convention was next to Mike Ihde's and he was promoting this tuning. This is all the modes in the key of C.